Hooray, a new method for a noscope crosshair with AWP or Scout.
I found this out when I was looking through old Helpdesk topics and saw a bit of information that AutomaticHAX posted for getting a permanent crosshair with the green line on net_graph 1. This worked perfectly on LAN, but on a server the line was all wavey and broken (more on this further down). After some experimenting I found a different way to use net_graph for a mark in the middle of your screen; by using the "00/s" number which is your cl_updaterate "##" setting. By tweaking some positioning CVars, you can make it line up perfectly in the middle of your screen! :D
1) Take the following code and place it in your cstrike/userconfig.cfg file. If you don't know how to do this, see here.
2) Change the netgraph_default.[rand] alias so that when you toggle it on/off you will have your preffered/default net_graph settings.
3) Press your J key (default bind) in-game to toggle it on and off, and that's it!
4) If it does not line up correctly (this is only tested on 800x600 resolution) then adjust the "net_graphwidth" and "graphheight" CVars in the netxhair_on.[rand] alias.
// Net-Graph Permanent Crosshair [00/s on 800x600]
// By luckyboyatif@yahoo.com
// scripting.cs-lowping.blogspot.com
alias echo_on.[rand] "motdfile echo.txt; cl_showfps 0"
alias echo_off.[rand] "developer 1; motd; developer 0; motdfile motd.txt"
cl_showfps "1"
alias netxhair_tog.[rand] "netxhair_on.[rand]"
alias netxhair_on.[rand] "net_graph 1; net_graphpos 3; net_graphwidth 405; graphheight 276; echo_on.[rand]; motd_write [Net-Graph X-Hair On]; echo_off.[rand]; alias netxhair_tog.[rand] netxhair_off.[rand]"
alias netxhair_off.[rand] "netgraph_default.[rand]; echo_on.[rand]; motd_write [Net-Graph X-Hair Off]; echo_off.[rand]; alias netxhair_tog.[rand] netxhair_on.[rand]"
// Edit Here:
alias netgraph_default.[rand] "net_graph 3; net_graphpos 3; net_graphwidth 150; graphheight 64.0"
bind j "netxhair_tog.[rand]"
5) GLHF! 8)
Screenshot - 00/s Method:
-No modifying of game files or anything to download.
-Can be turned on/off very easily.
-Works for everybody on every server/team (no toggling for CT/T) no matter what, and doesn't use any loops. :wink:
-I'm pretty sure you can modify the font/colour and perhaps the text. More on this later.
-Can't be customized either than changing your cl_updaterate.
-You see the graph on the whole bottom left of your HUD. Hopefully you won't find that too annoying. :P
-Always stays on the screen, even out of the game, unless you toggle it off ... which you might find slightly annoying.
Other Stuff:
My Net-Graph Settings:
// Net-Graph Settings [800x600]
// luckyboyatif@yahoo.com
net_graph "3"
net_graphpos "1"
net_graphwidth "310"
graphheight "45"
I like it because it doesn't get in the way of anything and fits nicely inside of this spot: (Yes, you can use net_graphwidth and graphheight to tweak positioning).
AutomaticHAX's Original Method: (Mine's Different)
In the script above, you would use these settings in the netxhair_on.[rand] alias:
// Crosshair - Green Line/Wave
cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50" // Default Green Colour
cl_crosshair_translucent "1"
cl_crosshair_size "medium"
// AutomaticHAX's
net_graph "1"
net_graphpos "2"
net_graphwidth "11"
graphheight "3010" // LAN
graphheight "1900" // Server
Basically, on LAN (New Game) it looks perfectly like a line, and with those crosshair settings it even looks like part of the crosshair.
Unfortunately, when connected to a server, it looks like this:
(Sorry, I made the pics lower resolution so they wouldn't screw up the page layout).
The problem is that the line moves with every little change in your Latency. Also, you have to adjust the "graphheight" setting to get the "wave" lined up right, since the "1900" is only an approximation; it varies depending on your ping. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but it actually looks kind of cool, the way it moves. Sort of a trail on your crosshair. :roll:
That's everything.
[ l30||0Na ] :mrred:
And yes, that formatting took a freaking long time. :shock:
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