alias AllOff "gl_polyoffset .1;HideWeapons-Off;BurstOff;AntiRecoil-Off;AutoPistol-Off2;AutoPistol-Off1;BunnyJump-Off2;BunnyJump-Off1;180Off;4GOff;alias m_pitch off;echo [-- All Scripts Off --]"
alias InputOn "voice_inputfromfile 1;voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord;echo [-- Started Playing from voice_input.wav --]"
alias InputOff "voice_inputfromfile 0;voice_loopback 0; -voicerecord;echo [-- Stopped Playing from voice_input.wav --]"
alias "w" "wait"
lookspring 1;alias lookspring
lookstrafe 0;alias lookstrafe
m_forward 0;alias m_forward
m_side 0;alias m_side
v_centerspeed 999999;alias v_centerspeed
alias "FastTurn1" "cl_yawspeed 1000;weapon_knife;-mlook;+attack;w;echo [-- DJ Spin That Shit! --];spk activated;+left;alias FastTurnToggle FastTurn2"
alias "FastTurn2" "+mlook;w;spk deactivated;-left;-attack;lastinv;cl_yawspeed 210;alias FastTurnToggle FastTurn1"
alias "FastTurnToggle" "FastTurn1"
alias w "wait"
alias w5 "w;w;w;w;w"
alias w10 "w5;w5"
disconnect;w10;gl_max_size 512;w10;retry;echo [-- CellShadeWalls Off --]
alias w "wait"
alias w5 "w;w;w;w;w"
alias w10 "w5;w5"
disconnect;w10;gl_max_size 1;w10;retry;echo [-- CellShadeWalls On --]
//Burst on V
alias BurstFire-V "bind mouse1 Burst-V; bind v Standard-V; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire On --]; developer 0;spk activated"
alias Burst-V "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias Standard-V "bind mouse1 +attack; bind v BurstFire-V; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]; developer 0;spk deactivated"
//Burst on T
alias BurstFire-T "bind mouse1 Burst-T; bind t Standard-T; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire On --]; developer 0;spk activated"
alias Burst-T "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias Standard-T "bind mouse1 +attack; bind t BurstFire-T; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]; developer 0;spk deactivated"
//Burst on Mouse3
alias BurstFire-M3 "bind mouse1 Burst-M3; bind mouse3 Standard-M3; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire On --]; developer 0;spk activated"
alias Burst-M3 "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias Standard-M3 "bind mouse1 +attack; bind mouse3 BurstFire-M3; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]; developer 0;spk deactivated"
//Burst on Mouse4
alias BurstFire-M4 "bind mouse1 Burst-V; bind mouse4 Standard-M4; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire On --]; developer 0;spk activated"
alias Burst-M4 "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias Standard-M4 "bind mouse1 +attack; bind mouse4 BurstFire-M4; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]; developer 0;spk deactivated"
alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"
alias BurstOnV "bind v BurstFire-V"
alias BurstOnT "bind t BurstFire-T"
alias BurstOnM3 "bind mouse3 BurstFire-M3"
alias BurstOnM4 "bind mouse4 BurstFire-M4"
alias BurstOff "unbind v;unbind t;unbind mouse3;unbind mouse4; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]"
//; alias +BunnyTog "alias BunnyTog2 BunnyAJ;alias BunnySP1;alias _special BunnyF1;BunnyF1"
//; alias -BunnyTog "alias BunnyTog2;BunnyS2;alias BunnySP1 BunnyS3;-jump"
//; alias BunnyF+ "+jump;alias BunnyAJ BunnyF-"
//; alias BunnyF- "-jump;alias BunnyAJ BunnyF+"
//; alias BunnyAJ "BunnyF+"
//; alias BunnySP1 "BunnyS3"
//; alias BunnyS2 "BunnyS3"
//; alias BunnyS3 "alias _special"
//; alias BunnyF1 "BunnyTog1;BunnyTog2;wait;special"
//; alias BunnyTog1;alias BunnyTog2
//; alias BunnyJump-On1 "bind space +BunnyTog;echo [-- BunnyJump 1 On --];spk activated"
//; alias BunnyJump-Off1 "bind space +jump;echo [-- BunnyJump 1 Off --];spk deactivated"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+Bunny2Tog" "alias _special un.t;un.t"
alias "-Bunny2Tog" "alias _special"
alias "Bunny2Tog" "special;w;+jump;w;-jump"
alias "BunnyJump-On2" "bind space +Bunny2Tog;echo [-- BunnyJump 2 On --];spk activated"
alias "BunnyJump-Off2" "bind space +jump;echo [-- BunnyJump 2 Off --];spk deactivated"
//; alias +AutoF "alias AutoTog1 AutoAF;alias AutoS3;alias _special Toggle;Toggle"
//; alias -AutoF "alias AutoTog1;AutoS2;alias AutoS3 AutoS1;-attack"
//; alias AutoS1 "alias _special"
//; alias AutoS2 "AutoS1"
//; alias AutoS3 "AutoS1"
//; alias AutoAttack+ "+attack;alias AutoAF AutoAttack-"
//; alias AutoAttack- "-attack;alias AutoAF AutoAttack+"
//; alias AutoAF "AutoAttack+"
//; alias AutoTog1;alias AutoTog2
//; alias Toggle "AutoTog1;AutoTog2;wait;special"
//; alias AutoPistol-On1 "bind mouse1 +AutoF;echo [-- AutoPistol 1 On --];spk activated"
//; alias AutoPistol-Off1 "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- AutoPistol 1 Off --];spk deactivated"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+AutoAPP" "alias _special AutoAttack;AutoAttack"
alias "-AutoAPP" "alias _special"
alias "AutoAttack" "special;w;+attack;w;-attack"
alias "AutoPistol-On2" "bind mouse1 +AutoAPP;echo [-- AutoPistol 2 On --];spk activated"
alias "AutoPistol-Off2" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- AutoPistol 2 Off --];spk deactivated"
// Low Anti Recoil
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+AntiLook" "+lookdown; +lookdown"
alias "-AntiLook" "-lookdown; -lookdown"
alias "+AntiAttack" "+attack;cl_pitchspeed 0.5;m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0;+AntiLook"
alias "-AntiAttack" "-attack;cl_pitchspeed 225;-AntiLook"
alias "LowAntiRecoil-On" "bind mouse1 +AntiAttack;echo [-- Low AntiRecoil On --];spk activated"
alias "LowAntiRecoil-Off" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- Low AntiRecoil Off --];spk deactivated"
// Medium Anti Recoil
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+AntiLook1" "+lookdown; +lookdown"
alias "-AntiLook1" "-lookdown; -lookdown"
alias "+AntiAttack1" "+attack;cl_pitchspeed 1.5;m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0;+AntiLook1"
alias "-AntiAttack1" "-attack;cl_pitchspeed 225;-AntiLook1"
alias "MediumAntiRecoil-On" "bind mouse1 +AntiAttack1;echo [-- Medium AntiRecoil On --];spk activated"
alias "MediumAntiRecoil-Off" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- Medium AntiRecoil Off --];spk deactivated"
// High Anti Recoil
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+AntiLook2" "+lookdown; +lookdown"
alias "-AntiLook2" "-lookdown; -lookdown"
alias "+AntiAttack2" "+attack;cl_pitchspeed 2.5;m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0;+AntiLook2"
alias "-AntiAttack2" "-attack;cl_pitchspeed 225;-AntiLook2"
alias "HighAntiRecoil-On" "bind mouse1 +AntiAttack2;echo [-- High AntiRecoil On --];spk activated"
alias "HighAntiRecoil-Off" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- High AntiRecoil Off --];spk deactivated"
alias AntiRecoil-Off "LowAntiRecoil-Off;MediumAntiRecoil-Off;HighAntiRecoil-Off"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "AFKPitch1" "alias m_pitch AFKKnife"
alias "AFKPitch2" "alias m_pitch"
alias "AFKKnife" "weapon_knife;+attack"
alias "AFKPistol1" "weapon_glock18;weapon_usp;weapon_deagle;weapon_p228;weapon_elite;weapon_fiveseven"
alias "AFK1" "+left;cl_yawspeed 750;AFKPitch1;say [-- Going Afk! (Script) --];spk activated"
alias "Back1" "AFKPitch2;AFKPistol1;cl_yawspeed 210;-left;-attack;say [-- Hello I'm Back! --];spk deactivated"
alias "AFKOff" "AFKPitch2;cl_yawspeed 210;-left;-attack"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "w3" "w;w;w"
alias "AFKHE" "+lookdown;hegren;weapon_hegrenade;w3;w3;+attack"
alias "AFKPitch3" "alias m_pitch AFKHE"
alias "AFKPitch4" "alias m_pitch;-lookdown;AFKPistol2;-attack"
alias "AFKPistol2" "weapon_glock18;weapon_usp;weapon_deagle;weapon_p228;weapon_elite;weapon_fiveseven"
alias "AFK2" "say [-- Going Afk! (Script) --];spk activated;AFKPitch3"
alias "Back2" "say [-- Hello I'm Back! --];spk deactivated;AFKPitch4"
alias "AFKOff2" "alias m_pitch;-lookdown;-attack"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "FastT" "fps_max 0;cl_yawspeed 3600;w;+left;w;-left;w;+left;w;-left;w;fps_max 100;cl_yawspeed 210"
alias TurnOnv "Bind v FastT;echo [-- 180Turn on (V) --];spk activated"
alias TurnOnt "Bind t FastT;echo [-- 180Turn on (T) --];spk activated"
alias TurnOnM3 "Bind mouse3 FastT;echo [-- 180Turn on (Mouse3) --];spk activated"
alias TurnOnM4 "Bind mouse4 FastT;echo [-- 180Turn on (Mouse4) --];spk activated"
alias 180Off "unbind v;unbind t;unbind mouse3;unbind mouse4;echo [-- 180Turn Off --];spk deactivated"
alias +4Glock "weapon_glock;+attack;+attack2;+attack2;+attack"
alias -4Glock "-attack;-attack2;-attack2;-attack"
alias 4G "4GOn"
alias 4GOn "bind mouse1 +4Glock; developer 1;echo [-- 4 Glock On --]; developer 0; alias 4G 4GOff"
alias 4GOff "bind mouse1 +attack; developer 1;echo [-- 4 Glock Off --]; developer 0; alias 4G 4GOn"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "HideDraw1" "r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias "HideDraw2" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "HideWeapons-On" "alias m_pitch HideDraw2;HideRBind;HideMWBind;echo [-- Hide Weapons On --];spk activated"
alias "HideWeapons-Off" "alias m_pitch;HideRebind;echo [-- Hide Weapons Off --];spk deactivated"
alias "HideRebind" "bind r +reload;bind mouse2 +attack2"
alias "+HideReload" "alias m_pitch;HideDraw1;+reload"
alias "-HideReload" "-reload;HideWeapons-On"
alias "+HideAttack" "alias m_pitch;HideDraw1;+attack2"
alias "-HideAttack" "-attack2;HideWeapons-On"
alias "HideRBind" "bind r +HideReload"
alias "HideMWBind" "bind mouse2 +HideAttack"
Silent Defuse
alias "+SilentDefuse" "+use; w; -use; w; +use; w; -use; w; +use; w; -use; w; +use"
alias "-SilentDefuse" "-use"
alias SilentOn "bind e +SilentDefuse;echo [-- Silent Defuse On --];spk activated"
exec "Gissel-Script/Fullbright/Fullbright.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/Lambert/Lambert.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AntiRecoil/AntiRecoil.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/HideWeapons/HideWeapons.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AFk/AFK1.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AFK/AFK2.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/180Turn/180Turn.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/Spin/Spin.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/BunnyJump/BunnyJump1.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/BunnyJump/BunnyJump2.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AutoPistol/AutoPistol1.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AutoPistol/AutoPistol2.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/Burstfire/Burstfire.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/SilentDefuse/SilentDefuse.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/VoiceInput/VoiceInput.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/4Glock/4Glock.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AllOff.cfg"
alias "All-off" ";alias _special;alias m_pitch;cl_pitchspeed 225;cl_yawspeed 210;-left;-lookdown;Pistol;slot1;-attack;Rebind-all;spk deactivated"
alias "Rebind-all" "bind space +jump;bind mouse1 +attack;bind r +reload;bind mouse2 +attack2;bind b buy;bind , buyammo1;bind . buyammo2;bind 1 slot1;bind 2 slot2;bind 3 slot3;bind 4 slot4;bind 5 slot5;bind 6 slot6;bind 7 slot7;bind 8 slot8;bind 9 slot9;bind 0 slot10"
alias AllOff "gl_polyoffset .1;HideWeapons-Off;BurstOff;AntiRecoil-Off;AutoPistol-Off2;AutoPistol-Off1;BunnyJump-Off2;BunnyJump-Off1;180Off;4GOff;alias m_pitch off;echo [-- All Scripts Off --]"
alias InputOn "voice_inputfromfile 1;voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord;echo [-- Started Playing from voice_input.wav --]"
alias InputOff "voice_inputfromfile 0;voice_loopback 0; -voicerecord;echo [-- Stopped Playing from voice_input.wav --]"
alias "w" "wait"
lookspring 1;alias lookspring
lookstrafe 0;alias lookstrafe
m_forward 0;alias m_forward
m_side 0;alias m_side
v_centerspeed 999999;alias v_centerspeed
alias "FastTurn1" "cl_yawspeed 1000;weapon_knife;-mlook;+attack;w;echo [-- DJ Spin That Shit! --];spk activated;+left;alias FastTurnToggle FastTurn2"
alias "FastTurn2" "+mlook;w;spk deactivated;-left;-attack;lastinv;cl_yawspeed 210;alias FastTurnToggle FastTurn1"
alias "FastTurnToggle" "FastTurn1"
alias w "wait"
alias w5 "w;w;w;w;w"
alias w10 "w5;w5"
disconnect;w10;gl_max_size 512;w10;retry;echo [-- CellShadeWalls Off --]
alias w "wait"
alias w5 "w;w;w;w;w"
alias w10 "w5;w5"
disconnect;w10;gl_max_size 1;w10;retry;echo [-- CellShadeWalls On --]
//Burst on V
alias BurstFire-V "bind mouse1 Burst-V; bind v Standard-V; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire On --]; developer 0;spk activated"
alias Burst-V "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias Standard-V "bind mouse1 +attack; bind v BurstFire-V; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]; developer 0;spk deactivated"
//Burst on T
alias BurstFire-T "bind mouse1 Burst-T; bind t Standard-T; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire On --]; developer 0;spk activated"
alias Burst-T "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias Standard-T "bind mouse1 +attack; bind t BurstFire-T; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]; developer 0;spk deactivated"
//Burst on Mouse3
alias BurstFire-M3 "bind mouse1 Burst-M3; bind mouse3 Standard-M3; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire On --]; developer 0;spk activated"
alias Burst-M3 "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias Standard-M3 "bind mouse1 +attack; bind mouse3 BurstFire-M3; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]; developer 0;spk deactivated"
//Burst on Mouse4
alias BurstFire-M4 "bind mouse1 Burst-V; bind mouse4 Standard-M4; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire On --]; developer 0;spk activated"
alias Burst-M4 "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias Standard-M4 "bind mouse1 +attack; bind mouse4 BurstFire-M4; developer 1; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]; developer 0;spk deactivated"
alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"
alias BurstOnV "bind v BurstFire-V"
alias BurstOnT "bind t BurstFire-T"
alias BurstOnM3 "bind mouse3 BurstFire-M3"
alias BurstOnM4 "bind mouse4 BurstFire-M4"
alias BurstOff "unbind v;unbind t;unbind mouse3;unbind mouse4; echo [-- BurstFire Off --]"
//; alias +BunnyTog "alias BunnyTog2 BunnyAJ;alias BunnySP1;alias _special BunnyF1;BunnyF1"
//; alias -BunnyTog "alias BunnyTog2;BunnyS2;alias BunnySP1 BunnyS3;-jump"
//; alias BunnyF+ "+jump;alias BunnyAJ BunnyF-"
//; alias BunnyF- "-jump;alias BunnyAJ BunnyF+"
//; alias BunnyAJ "BunnyF+"
//; alias BunnySP1 "BunnyS3"
//; alias BunnyS2 "BunnyS3"
//; alias BunnyS3 "alias _special"
//; alias BunnyF1 "BunnyTog1;BunnyTog2;wait;special"
//; alias BunnyTog1;alias BunnyTog2
//; alias BunnyJump-On1 "bind space +BunnyTog;echo [-- BunnyJump 1 On --];spk activated"
//; alias BunnyJump-Off1 "bind space +jump;echo [-- BunnyJump 1 Off --];spk deactivated"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+Bunny2Tog" "alias _special un.t;un.t"
alias "-Bunny2Tog" "alias _special"
alias "Bunny2Tog" "special;w;+jump;w;-jump"
alias "BunnyJump-On2" "bind space +Bunny2Tog;echo [-- BunnyJump 2 On --];spk activated"
alias "BunnyJump-Off2" "bind space +jump;echo [-- BunnyJump 2 Off --];spk deactivated"
//; alias +AutoF "alias AutoTog1 AutoAF;alias AutoS3;alias _special Toggle;Toggle"
//; alias -AutoF "alias AutoTog1;AutoS2;alias AutoS3 AutoS1;-attack"
//; alias AutoS1 "alias _special"
//; alias AutoS2 "AutoS1"
//; alias AutoS3 "AutoS1"
//; alias AutoAttack+ "+attack;alias AutoAF AutoAttack-"
//; alias AutoAttack- "-attack;alias AutoAF AutoAttack+"
//; alias AutoAF "AutoAttack+"
//; alias AutoTog1;alias AutoTog2
//; alias Toggle "AutoTog1;AutoTog2;wait;special"
//; alias AutoPistol-On1 "bind mouse1 +AutoF;echo [-- AutoPistol 1 On --];spk activated"
//; alias AutoPistol-Off1 "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- AutoPistol 1 Off --];spk deactivated"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+AutoAPP" "alias _special AutoAttack;AutoAttack"
alias "-AutoAPP" "alias _special"
alias "AutoAttack" "special;w;+attack;w;-attack"
alias "AutoPistol-On2" "bind mouse1 +AutoAPP;echo [-- AutoPistol 2 On --];spk activated"
alias "AutoPistol-Off2" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- AutoPistol 2 Off --];spk deactivated"
// Low Anti Recoil
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+AntiLook" "+lookdown; +lookdown"
alias "-AntiLook" "-lookdown; -lookdown"
alias "+AntiAttack" "+attack;cl_pitchspeed 0.5;m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0;+AntiLook"
alias "-AntiAttack" "-attack;cl_pitchspeed 225;-AntiLook"
alias "LowAntiRecoil-On" "bind mouse1 +AntiAttack;echo [-- Low AntiRecoil On --];spk activated"
alias "LowAntiRecoil-Off" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- Low AntiRecoil Off --];spk deactivated"
// Medium Anti Recoil
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+AntiLook1" "+lookdown; +lookdown"
alias "-AntiLook1" "-lookdown; -lookdown"
alias "+AntiAttack1" "+attack;cl_pitchspeed 1.5;m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0;+AntiLook1"
alias "-AntiAttack1" "-attack;cl_pitchspeed 225;-AntiLook1"
alias "MediumAntiRecoil-On" "bind mouse1 +AntiAttack1;echo [-- Medium AntiRecoil On --];spk activated"
alias "MediumAntiRecoil-Off" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- Medium AntiRecoil Off --];spk deactivated"
// High Anti Recoil
alias "w" "wait"
alias "+AntiLook2" "+lookdown; +lookdown"
alias "-AntiLook2" "-lookdown; -lookdown"
alias "+AntiAttack2" "+attack;cl_pitchspeed 2.5;m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0;+AntiLook2"
alias "-AntiAttack2" "-attack;cl_pitchspeed 225;-AntiLook2"
alias "HighAntiRecoil-On" "bind mouse1 +AntiAttack2;echo [-- High AntiRecoil On --];spk activated"
alias "HighAntiRecoil-Off" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [-- High AntiRecoil Off --];spk deactivated"
alias AntiRecoil-Off "LowAntiRecoil-Off;MediumAntiRecoil-Off;HighAntiRecoil-Off"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "AFKPitch1" "alias m_pitch AFKKnife"
alias "AFKPitch2" "alias m_pitch"
alias "AFKKnife" "weapon_knife;+attack"
alias "AFKPistol1" "weapon_glock18;weapon_usp;weapon_deagle;weapon_p228;weapon_elite;weapon_fiveseven"
alias "AFK1" "+left;cl_yawspeed 750;AFKPitch1;say [-- Going Afk! (Script) --];spk activated"
alias "Back1" "AFKPitch2;AFKPistol1;cl_yawspeed 210;-left;-attack;say [-- Hello I'm Back! --];spk deactivated"
alias "AFKOff" "AFKPitch2;cl_yawspeed 210;-left;-attack"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "w3" "w;w;w"
alias "AFKHE" "+lookdown;hegren;weapon_hegrenade;w3;w3;+attack"
alias "AFKPitch3" "alias m_pitch AFKHE"
alias "AFKPitch4" "alias m_pitch;-lookdown;AFKPistol2;-attack"
alias "AFKPistol2" "weapon_glock18;weapon_usp;weapon_deagle;weapon_p228;weapon_elite;weapon_fiveseven"
alias "AFK2" "say [-- Going Afk! (Script) --];spk activated;AFKPitch3"
alias "Back2" "say [-- Hello I'm Back! --];spk deactivated;AFKPitch4"
alias "AFKOff2" "alias m_pitch;-lookdown;-attack"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "FastT" "fps_max 0;cl_yawspeed 3600;w;+left;w;-left;w;+left;w;-left;w;fps_max 100;cl_yawspeed 210"
alias TurnOnv "Bind v FastT;echo [-- 180Turn on (V) --];spk activated"
alias TurnOnt "Bind t FastT;echo [-- 180Turn on (T) --];spk activated"
alias TurnOnM3 "Bind mouse3 FastT;echo [-- 180Turn on (Mouse3) --];spk activated"
alias TurnOnM4 "Bind mouse4 FastT;echo [-- 180Turn on (Mouse4) --];spk activated"
alias 180Off "unbind v;unbind t;unbind mouse3;unbind mouse4;echo [-- 180Turn Off --];spk deactivated"
alias +4Glock "weapon_glock;+attack;+attack2;+attack2;+attack"
alias -4Glock "-attack;-attack2;-attack2;-attack"
alias 4G "4GOn"
alias 4GOn "bind mouse1 +4Glock; developer 1;echo [-- 4 Glock On --]; developer 0; alias 4G 4GOff"
alias 4GOff "bind mouse1 +attack; developer 1;echo [-- 4 Glock Off --]; developer 0; alias 4G 4GOn"
alias "w" "wait"
alias "HideDraw1" "r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias "HideDraw2" "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "HideWeapons-On" "alias m_pitch HideDraw2;HideRBind;HideMWBind;echo [-- Hide Weapons On --];spk activated"
alias "HideWeapons-Off" "alias m_pitch;HideRebind;echo [-- Hide Weapons Off --];spk deactivated"
alias "HideRebind" "bind r +reload;bind mouse2 +attack2"
alias "+HideReload" "alias m_pitch;HideDraw1;+reload"
alias "-HideReload" "-reload;HideWeapons-On"
alias "+HideAttack" "alias m_pitch;HideDraw1;+attack2"
alias "-HideAttack" "-attack2;HideWeapons-On"
alias "HideRBind" "bind r +HideReload"
alias "HideMWBind" "bind mouse2 +HideAttack"
Silent Defuse
alias "+SilentDefuse" "+use; w; -use; w; +use; w; -use; w; +use; w; -use; w; +use"
alias "-SilentDefuse" "-use"
alias SilentOn "bind e +SilentDefuse;echo [-- Silent Defuse On --];spk activated"
exec "Gissel-Script/Fullbright/Fullbright.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/Lambert/Lambert.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AntiRecoil/AntiRecoil.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/HideWeapons/HideWeapons.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AFk/AFK1.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AFK/AFK2.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/180Turn/180Turn.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/Spin/Spin.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/BunnyJump/BunnyJump1.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/BunnyJump/BunnyJump2.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AutoPistol/AutoPistol1.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AutoPistol/AutoPistol2.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/Burstfire/Burstfire.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/SilentDefuse/SilentDefuse.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/VoiceInput/VoiceInput.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/4Glock/4Glock.cfg"
exec "Gissel-Script/AllOff.cfg"
alias "All-off" ";alias _special;alias m_pitch;cl_pitchspeed 225;cl_yawspeed 210;-left;-lookdown;Pistol;slot1;-attack;Rebind-all;spk deactivated"
alias "Rebind-all" "bind space +jump;bind mouse1 +attack;bind r +reload;bind mouse2 +attack2;bind b buy;bind , buyammo1;bind . buyammo2;bind 1 slot1;bind 2 slot2;bind 3 slot3;bind 4 slot4;bind 5 slot5;bind 6 slot6;bind 7 slot7;bind 8 slot8;bind 9 slot9;bind 0 slot10"
Useful scripts and informations about Cs 1.6
ReplyDeletecs wallhack
how to use these commands?
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